Ubuntu (Fresh Install)

Build and Run the Plutus Playground server and client

With Nix now installed and configured, we will clone the appropriate repositories from github. We will be cloning the plutus-apps and the plutus-pioneer program. First, let’s clone plutus-apps:

totinj@penguin:~$ git clone https://github.com/input-output-hk/plutus-apps.git
Next, let’s clone the plutus-pioneer-program repo:
totinj@penguin:~$ git clone https://github.com/input-output-hk/plutus-pioneer-program.git
You can now navigate to the current week01 directory in the plutus-pioneer-program folder and open the cabal.project file:
totinj@penguin:~/plutus-pioneer-program/code/week01$ cat cabal.project
Grab the plutus-apps tag inside the cabal.project file:
location: https://github.com/input-output-hk/plutus-apps.git
Head back to to the plutus-apps directory and update it to the current git tag:
totinj@penguin:~/plutus-apps$ git checkout main
totinj@penguin:~/plutus-apps$ git pull
totinj@penguin:~/plutus-apps$ git checkout 41149926c108c71831cfe8d244c83b0ee4bf5c8a

You should now be up to date and can run nix-shell in this directory. Run nix-shell:

totinj@penguin:~/plutus-apps$ nix-shell
Nix-shell will take a good amount of time to build the first time you are running it, so be patient. If you have setup your caches correctly, you will notice it building from https://hydra.iohk.io. If successful, you should see the nix-shell:

Head back to the week01 folder to start running the cabal commands:

[nix-shell:~/plutus-pioneer-program/code/week01]$ cabal update
[nix-shell:~/plutus-pioneer-program/code/week01]$ cabal build
[nix-shell:~/plutus-pioneer-program/code/week01]$ cabal repl
These will also take a long time to run the first time. If successful, you should now be ready to start the lecture:
Ok, one module loaded.
Prelude Week01.EnglishAuction>