
Build and Run the Plutus Playground server and client

We now need to get the plutus-apps repo which contains the libraries for working on Plutus and the Plutus Playground server.

git clone https://github.com/input-output-hk/plutus-apps
cd plutus-apps

Note If you will be working on the Plutus Pioneer Project, it will be necessary at this point to git checkout ... a specific commit to match the class materials. That commit hash is listed in the exercises week## directory in the cabal.project file. For more info on this, see Working on contracts with and without cabal build

Now we will run the Plutus Playground servers. We start these in a nix-shell which sets up the environment and has working versions of tools.

Note Optionally, a project exists to control the two Plutus Playground servers as a systemd service, making start/stop/restart much less manual. See plutus-playground-systemd for installation and configuration. If you use this, skip past the "terminal window" instructions below and access your new playground server in a browser.

Open two terminal windows

In terminal window 1

cd plutus-apps
cd plutus-playground-server

If it's successful, you should see Interpreter ready

In terminal window 2

cd plutus-apps
cd plutus-playground-client
npm run start

If it's successful, you should see [wdm]: Compiled successfully.

You should now be able to navigate to https://localhost:8009. The browser will complain about it being a risky website, allow it.