Lecture 4: Emulator Trace and Contract Monads

Contributed by: Chis Moreton
Ported over and converted into an .md file

Week 04 - Monads

These is a written version of Lecture #4.

In this lecture we learn about Monads. In particular the EmulatorTrace and Contract monads.


We have spent the last two lectures talking about the on-chain part of Plutus - the validation logic that is compiled to Plutus script and actually lives on the blockchain and is executed by nodes that validate a transaction.

There is a lot more to say about that on-chain part.

We haven\'t looked at more complex examples of validation yet that make more sophisticated use of the context, and we haven\'t see how native tokens work, yet (Plutus script is also used to validate the minting and burning of native tokens).

We will definitely have to talk about those topics, and come back to that.

However, before we go into too many sophisticated topics of on-chain validation, we mustn\'t neglect the off-chain part, because it is equally important.

The on-chain part takes care of validation but, in order for there to be something to be validated, we must build a transaction and submit it to the blockchain. And, that is what the off-chain part does.

So, we will start talking about how to write off-chain Plutus code.

Unfortunately there is a slight problem concerning the Haskell features needed.

The on-chain part that we have seen so far is somewhat alien and takes a little getting used to, due to the fact that we have the additional complication of the compilation to Plutus script. But, we don\'t really have to worry about that if we use the Template Haskell magic. In that case the validator function is just a plain function.

And it is actually a very simple Haskell function from the technical point of view. We don\'t use any fancy Haskell features to write this function.

One of the reasons for that is the way Plutus compilation works. We have seen how, in order for the compilation to Plutus to succeed, all the code used by the validation function must be available within the Oxford Brackets. This means that all the functions relied on by the mkValidator function must use the INLINABLE pragma.

{-# INLINABLE mkValidator #-}
mkValidator :: Data -> Data -> Data -> ()
mkValidator _ _ _ = ()

$$(PlutusTx.compile [|| mkValidator ||])

And recall, that because the standard Haskell functions don\'t have this INLINABLE pragma, there is a new Plutus Prelude module that is similar to the standard Haskell Prelude, but with the functions defined with the INLINABLE pragma.

But, of course, there are hundreds of Haskell libraries out there and most of them weren\'t written with Plutus in mind, so we can\'t use them inside validation. And, that has the effect that the Haskell inside validation will be relatively simple and won\'t have many dependencies.


In the off-chain part of Plutus, the situation is reversed. We don\'t have to worry about compilation to Plutus script - it is just plain Haskell. But, the flip side is that, the way this is implemented, it uses much more sophisticated Haskell features - e.g. so-called effect systems, streaming and, in particular, monads.

All the off-chain code (the wallet code), is written in a special monad - the Contract Monad.

Monads are infamous in the Haskell world. It is normally the first stumbling block for beginning Haskell coders.

There are a lot of tutorials out there that try to explain Monads. Monads get compared to burritos, and all sorts of metaphors are employed to try to explain the concept. But here, let\'s at least try to give a crash course in monads for those who are new to Haskell.

Before we get to general monads, we will start with IO, which is how IO side-effects are handled in Haskell. But, before we get to Haskell, let\'s look at a mainstream language like Java.

Let\'s look at the following Java method.

public static int foo() {

This function takes no arguments, and it returns an int. Let\'s imagine it gets called twice in the code.

final int a = foo();
final int b = foo();

Now, we note that, so long as we don\'t know what is going on inside the foo() function, the return value of the following expression is unknown.

a == b; // true or false? at compile time, we don't know

We do not know if a is the same as b because, in Java, it is perfectly possible that some IO happens inside foo. For example, there code be code that asks the user to enter input on the console and uses this to compute the return value.

This means that, in order to reason about the code, we need to look inside foo, which makes testing, for example, more difficult. And it means that, it the first call to foo returns, for example, 13 - we cannot just replace all other calls to foo with the known return value of 13.

In Haskell the situation is very different because Haskell is a pure functional language. The equivalent signature in Haskell would be something like:

foo :: Int
foo = ...

Now, if we have a situation where we call foo twice, even though we don\'t know what the value of foo is, we know for sure that the two return values will be the same.

This is a very important feature that is called referential transparency. There are, in fact, some escape hatches to get around this, but we can ignore this.

This makes tasks such as refactoring and testing much easier.

This is all very well, but you need side-effects in order to have an effect on the world. Otherwise, all your program does is heat up the processor.

You need input and output. You must be able to write output to the screen, or read input from the keyboard, or a network connection, or a file, for example.

There is a famous video by Simon Peyton-Jones called Haskell Is Useless which explains that it is beautiful mathematically to have a pure, side effect-free language, but in the end you do need side effects to make anything happen.

And Haskell does have a way to handle side effects and that is the IO Monad. But, don\'t worry about the monad part just yet.

Here is how we do it in Haskell.

foo :: IO Int
foo = ...

IO is a type constructor that takes one argument, like some other examples of type constructors such as Maybe and List. However, unlike those examples, IO is special, in the sense that you can\'t implement it in the language itself. It is a built-in primitive.

The return value IO Int tells us that this is a recipe to compute an Int, and this recipe can cause side effects. A list of instructions telling the computer what to do in order to end up with an Int.

It is important to notice that referential transparency is not broken here. The result of the evaluation of foo is the recipe itself, not the Int value. And as the recipe is always the same, referential transparency is maintained.

The only way to actually execute such a recipe in a Haskell program is from the main entry point of the program - the main function. You can also execute IO actions in the REPL.

Hello World

Hello World in Haskell looks like this:

main :: IO ()
main = putStrLn "Hello, world!"

Here, main is a recipe that performs some side effects and returns Unit - nothing of interest.

Let\'s look at putStrLn in the REPL. We see that it is an IO action that takes a String and returns no interesting result.

Prelude Week04.Contract> :t putStrLn
putStrLn :: String -> IO ()

Prelude Week04.Contract> :t putStrLn "Hello, world!"
putStrLn "Hello, world!" :: IO ()

We can also run this. Open up the app/Main.sh file and edit the main function so it reads:

main :: IO ()
main = putStrLn "Hello, world!"

Then run

cabal run hello

We will take a quick look at the cabal file now.

In previous lectures we only needed the library section in the plutus-pioneer-program-week04.cabal file as we were dealing only with library functions. Now, we need to add an executable stanza.

executable hello
hs-source-dirs:      app
main-is:             hello.hs
build-depends:       base ^>=
default-language:    Haskell2010
ghc-options:         -Wall -O2

This specifies the source directory and which file holds the main function. Normally the file name must match the module name, but the main is an exception.

Rather than just asking for the type of putStrLn, we can run it in the REPL. As mentioned, the REPL allows us to execute IO actions.

Prelude Week04.Contract> putStrLn "Hello, world!"
Hello, world!


Let\'s look at getLine

Prelude Week04.Contract> :t getLine
getLine :: IO String

This shows that it is a recipe, possibly producing side-effects, that, when executed will produce a String. In the case of getLine, the side-effect in question is that it will wait for user input from the keyboard.

If we execute getLine in the REPL.

Prelude Week04.Contract> getLine

It waits for keyboard input. Then, if we enter something, it returns the result.


There are a variety of IO actions defined in Haskell to do all sorts of things like reading files, writing files, reading from and writing to sockets.

But no matter how many predefined actions you have, that will never be enough to achieve something complex, so there must be a way to combine these primitive, provided IO actions into bigger, more complex recipes.

One thing we can do is make use of the Functor type instance of IO. Let\'s look at the type instances of IO in the REPL.

Prelude Week04.Contract> :i IO
type IO :: * -> *
newtype IO a
= ghc-prim-0.6.1:GHC.Types.IO (ghc-prim-0.6.1:GHC.Prim.State#
                                 -> (# ghc-prim-0.6.1:GHC.Prim.State#
                                       a #))
   -- Defined in ‘ghc-prim-0.6.1:GHC.Types’
instance Applicative IO -- Defined in ‘GHC.Base’
instance Functor IO -- Defined in ‘GHC.Base’
instance Monad IO -- Defined in ‘GHC.Base’
instance Monoid a => Monoid (IO a) -- Defined in ‘GHC.Base’
instance Semigroup a => Semigroup (IO a) -- Defined in ‘GHC.Base’
instance MonadFail IO -- Defined in ‘Control.Monad.Fail’

We see the dreaded Monad instance, but we also see a Functor instance. Functor is a very important type class in Haskell. If we look at it in the REPL:

Prelude Week04.Contract> :i Functor
type Functor :: (* -> *) -> Constraint
class Functor f where
fmap :: (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
(<$) :: a -> f b -> f a
{-# MINIMAL fmap #-}
   -- Defined in ‘GHC.Base’
instance Functor (Either a) -- Defined in ‘Data.Either’
instance Functor [] -- Defined in ‘GHC.Base’
instance Functor Maybe -- Defined in ‘GHC.Base’
instance Functor IO -- Defined in ‘GHC.Base’
instance Functor ((->) r) -- Defined in ‘GHC.Base’
instance Functor ((,,,) a b c) -- Defined in ‘GHC.Base’
instance Functor ((,,) a b) -- Defined in ‘GHC.Base’
instance Functor ((,) a) -- Defined in ‘GHC.Base’

The important method here is fmap. The second function (\<\$) is a convenience function.

fmap :: (a -> b) -> f a -> f b

This function, fmap, that all Functors have tells us that, if we give it has access to a function that can turn an a into a b, then it can turn an f a into an f b for us. Here, we are interested in the case where f is IO.

If we specialized the function for IO, we would have a function like:

fmap' :: (a -> b) -> IO a -> IO b

How does that work. Well, IO a is a recipe that has side effects and produces an a. So, how do we get a b out of that? We perform the recipe, but, before return the a, we apply the (a -> b) function to to a and return the result, which is the b.

In the REPL, let\'s look at the toUpper function.

Prelude Week04.Contract> import Data.Char
Prelude Data.Char Week04.Contract> :t toUpper
toUpper :: Char -> Char
Prelude Data.Char Week04.Contract> toUpper 'q'

If we want to apply that to a String rather than a Char we can use the map function. Strings in Haskell are just lists of Chars.

Prelude Data.Char Week04.Contract> map toUpper "Haskell"

The map toUpper function is a function from String to String.

Prelude Data.Char Week04.Contract> :t map toUpper
map toUpper :: [Char] -> [Char]

And we can use this in combination with fmap. If we use map toUpper as our function to convert an a to a b, we can see what the type of output of fmap would be when applied to an IO a.

Prelude Data.Char Week04.Contract> :t fmap (map toUpper) getLine
fmap (map toUpper) getLine :: IO [Char]

Let\'s see it in action.

Prelude Data.Char Week04.Contract> fmap (map toUpper) getLine

We can also use the >> operator. This chains two IO actions together, ignoring the result of the first. In the following example, both actions will be performed in sequence.

Prelude Week04.Contract> putStrLn "Hello" >> putStrLn "World"

Here, there is no result from putStrLn, but if there were, it would have been ignored. Its side effects would have been performed, its result ignored, then the second putStrLn side effects would been performed before returning the result of the second call.

Then, there is an important operator that does not ignore the result of the first IO action, and that is called bind. It is written as the >>= symbol.

Prelude Week04.Contract> :t (>>=)
(>>=) :: Monad m => m a -> (a -> m b) -> m b

We see the Monad constraint, but we can ignore that for now and just think of IO.

What this says is that if I have a recipe that performs side effects then gives me a result a, and given that I have a function that takes an a and gives me back a recipe that returns a b, then I can combine the recipe m a with the recipe m b by taking the value a and using it in the recipe that results in the value b.

An example will make this clear.

Prelude Week04.Contract> getLine >>= putStrLn

Here, the function getLine is of type IO String. The return value a is passed to the function (a -> m b) which then generates a recipe putStrLn with an input value of a and an output of type IO (). Then, putStrLn performs its side effects and returns Unit.

There is another, very important, way to create IO actions, and that is to create recipes that immediately return results without performing any side effects.

That is done with a function called return.

Prelude Week04.Contract> :t return
return :: Monad m => a -> m a

Again, it is general for any Monad, we only need to think about IO right now.

It takes a value a and returns a recipe that produces the value a. In the case of return, the recipe does not actually create any side effects.

For example:

Prelude Week04.Contract> return "Haskell" :: IO String

We needed to specify the return type so that the REPL knows which Monad we are using:

Prelude Week04.Contract> :t return "Haskell" :: IO String
return "Haskell" :: IO String :: IO String

Prelude Week04.Contract> :t return "Haskell"
return "Haskell" :: Monad m => m [Char]

If we now go back to our main program, we can now write relatively complex IO actions. For example, we can define an IO action that will ask for two strings and print result of concatenating those two strings to the console.

main :: IO ()
main = bar

bar :: IO ()
bar = getLine >>= \s ->
      getLine >>= \t ->
      putStrLn (s ++ t)

And then, when we run it, the program will wait for two inputs and then output the concatenated result.

cabal run hello

This is enough now for our purposes, although we won\'t need the IO Monad until perhaps later in the course when we talk about actually deploying Plutus contracts. However, the IO Monad is an important example, and a good one to start with.

So, for now, let\'s completely forget about IO and just write pure, functional Haskell, using the Maybe type.


The Maybe type is one of the most useful types in Haskell.

Prelude Week04.Contract> :i Maybe
type Maybe :: * -> *
data Maybe a = Nothing | Just a
   -- Defined in ‘GHC.Maybe’
instance Applicative Maybe -- Defined in ‘GHC.Base’
instance Eq a => Eq (Maybe a) -- Defined in ‘GHC.Maybe’
instance Functor Maybe -- Defined in ‘GHC.Base’
instance Monad Maybe -- Defined in ‘GHC.Base’
instance Semigroup a => Monoid (Maybe a) -- Defined in ‘GHC.Base’
instance Ord a => Ord (Maybe a) -- Defined in ‘GHC.Maybe’
instance Semigroup a => Semigroup (Maybe a)
-- Defined in ‘GHC.Base’
instance Show a => Show (Maybe a) -- Defined in ‘GHC.Show’
instance Read a => Read (Maybe a) -- Defined in ‘GHC.Read’
instance Foldable Maybe -- Defined in ‘Data.Foldable’
instance Traversable Maybe -- Defined in ‘Data.Traversable’
instance MonadFail Maybe -- Defined in ‘Control.Monad.Fail’

It is often called something like Optional in other programming languages.

It has two constructors - Nothing, which takes no arguments, and Just, which takes one argument.

data Maybe a = Nothing | Just a

Let\'s look at an example.

In Haskell, if you want to pass a String to a value that has a read instance, you will normally do this with the read function.

Week04.Maybe> read "42" :: Int

But, read is a bit unpleasant, because if we have something that can\'t be parsed as an Int, then we get an error.

Week04.Maybe> read "42+u" :: Int
*** Exception: Prelude.read: no parse

Let\'s import readMaybe to do it in a better way.

Prelude Week04.Maybe> import Text.Read (readMaybe)
Prelude Text.Read Week04.Contract>

The function readMaybe does the same as read, but it returns a Maybe, and in the case where it cannot parse, it will return a Maybe created with the Nothing constructor.

Prelude Text.Read Week04.Contract> readMaybe "42" :: Maybe Int
Just 42

Prelude Text.Read Week04.Contract> readMaybe "42+u" :: Maybe Int

Let\'s say we want to create a new function that returns a Maybe.

foo :: String -> String -> String -> Maybe Int

The idea is that the function should try to parse all three Strings as Ints. If all the Strings can be successfully parsed as Ints, then we want to add those three Ints to get a sum. If one of the parses fails, we want to return Nothing.

One way to do that would be:

foo :: String -> String -> String -> Maybe Int
foo x y z = case readMaybe x of
   Nothing -> Nothing
   Just k  -> case readMaybe y of
      Nothing -> Nothing
      Just l  -> case readMaybe z of
            Nothing -> Nothing
            Just m  -> Just (k + l + m)

Let\'s see if it works. First, the case where is succeeds:

Prelude Week04.Contract> :l Week04.Maybe 
Prelude Week04.Maybe> foo "1" "2" "3"
Just 6

But, if one of the values can\'t be parsed, we get Nothing:

Prelude Week04.Maybe> foo "" "2" "3"

The code is not ideal because we repeat the same pattern three times. Each time we have to consider the two cases - whether the result of the read is a Just or a Nothing.

Ask Haskellers, we hate repetition like this.

The thing we want to do is very simple. We want to pass the three Strings and add the result, but with all those cases it is very noisy and very ugly. We want to abstract away this pattern.

One way to do that would be to define something like:

bindMaybe :: Maybe a -> (a -> Maybe b) -> Maybe b
bindMaybe Nothing = Nothing
bindMaybe (Just x) f = f x

Let\'s write the same function again using bindMaybe.

foo' :: String -> String -> String -> Maybe Int
foo' x y z = readMaybe x `bindMaybe` \k ->
            readMaybe y `bindMaybe` \l ->
            readMaybe z `bindMaybe` \m ->
            Just (k + l + m)

And then, in the REPL, we get the same results for foo\' as we got for foo.

Prelude Week04.Maybe> foo "1" "2" "3"
Just 6

Prelude Week04.Maybe> foo "" "2" "3"

This does exactly the same as foo, but it is much more compact, there is far less noise, and the business logic is much clearer.

It may, or may not, help to view the function with it not being used with infix notation:

Prelude Text.Read Week04.Maybe> bindMaybe (readMaybe "42" :: Maybe Int) (\x -> Just x)
Just 42

Here you can see the function clearly taking the Maybe and then the function that takes the a from the Maybe and uses it as the input to a function that returns a new Maybe.

This produces nothing useful, until we add the second readMaybe

Prelude Text.Read Week04.Maybe> bindMaybe (readMaybe "42" :: Maybe Int) (\x -> bindMaybe (readMaybe "5" :: Maybe Int) (\y -> Just (y + x)))
Just 47

In some ways Nothing is a bit like an exception in other languages. If any of the computations returns Nothing, the remainder of the computations in the block are not performed and Nothing is returned.


Another very useful type in Haskell is the Either type.

Prelude Week04.Contract> :i Either
type Either :: * -> * -> *
data Either a b = Left a | Right b
   -- Defined in ‘Data.Either’
instance Applicative (Either e) -- Defined in ‘Data.Either’
instance (Eq a, Eq b) => Eq (Either a b)
-- Defined in ‘Data.Either’
instance Functor (Either a) -- Defined in ‘Data.Either’
instance Monad (Either e) -- Defined in ‘Data.Either’
instance (Ord a, Ord b) => Ord (Either a b)
-- Defined in ‘Data.Either’
instance Semigroup (Either a b) -- Defined in ‘Data.Either’
instance (Show a, Show b) => Show (Either a b)
-- Defined in ‘Data.Either’
instance (Read a, Read b) => Read (Either a b)
-- Defined in ‘Data.Either’
instance Foldable (Either a) -- Defined in ‘Data.Foldable’
instance Traversable (Either a) -- Defined in ‘Data.Traversable’

Either takes two parameters, a and b. Like Maybe it has two constructors, but unlike Maybe both take a value. It can Either be an a or a b. The two constructors are Left and Right.

For example:

Prelude Week04.Contract> Left "Haskell" :: Either String Int
Left "Haskell"


Prelude Week04.Contract> Right 7 :: Either String Int
Right 7

If we take the exception analogy a little further, then one issue with Maybe is that if we return Nothing, there is no error message. But, if we want something that gives a message, we can replace Maybe with an Either type.

In that case, Right can correspond to Just and Left can correspond to an error, as Nothing did. But, depending on what type we choose for a, we can give appropriate error messages.

Let\'s define something called readEither and see what it does when it can and when it cannot parse its input.

readEither :: Read a => String -> Either String a
readEither s case readMaybe s of
   Nothing -> Left $ "can't parse: " ++ s
   Just a  -> Right a
Prelude Week04.Either> readEither "42" :: Either String Int
Right 42
Prelude Week04.Either> readEither "42+u" :: Either String Int
Left "can't parse: 42+u"

Using this, we can now rewrite foo in terms of Either. First, using the long-winded method:

foo :: String -> String -> String -> Either String Int
foo x y z = case readEither x of
   Left err -> Left err
   Right k  -> case readEither y of
      Left err -> Left err
      Right l  -> case readEither z of
            Left err -> Left err
            Right m  -> Right (k + l + m)

Let\'s try it. First, the happy path:

Prelude Week04.Either> foo "1" "2" "3"
Right 6

Then, when we have a problem:

Prelude Week04.Either> foo "ays" "2" "3"
Left "can't parse: ays"

But, we have the same problem that we had with Maybe; we have a lot of repetition.

The solution is similar.

bindEither :: Either String a -> (a -> Either String b) -> Either String b
bindEither (Left err) _ = Left err
bindEither (Right x)  f = f x

foo' :: String -> String -> String -> Either String Int
foo' x y z = readEither x `bindEither` \k ->
            readEither y `bindEither` \l ->
            readEither z `bindEither` \m ->
            Right (k + l + m)

You can run this again in the REPL and it will behave in the same way as its long-winded version.


So far we have looked at three examples: IO a, Maybe a and Either String a. IO a represents plans that can involve side effects and, when executed, produce an a. Maybe a and Either String a represent computations that can produce an a but can also fail. The difference between Maybe and Either is just that Maybe does not produce any error message, but Either does.

Now let\'s look at a completely different example that captures the idea of computations that can also produce log output.

We can represent that with a type.

data Writer a = Writer a [String]
   deriving Show

As an example, let\'s write a function that returns a Writer for an Int and writes a log message.

number :: Int -> Writer Int
number n = Writer n $ ["number: " ++ show n]

In the REPL:

Prelude Week04.Writer> number 42
Writer 42 ["number: 42"]

Now, let\'s do something similar to that which we have done with Maybe and Either.

Let\'s write a function that takes three logging computations that each produce an Int and we want to return a single computation that produces the sum of those Ints.

foo :: Writer Int -> Writer Int -> Writer Int -> Writer Int
foo (Writer k xs) (Writer l ys) (Writer m zs) =
Writer (K + l + m) $ xs ++ ys ++ zs

In the REPL:

Prelude Week04.Writer> foo (number 1) (number 2) (number 3)
Writer 6 ["number: 1","number: 2","number: 3"]

Now, let\'s write another useful function that takes a list of message and producers a Writer with no useful result.

tell :: [String] -> Writer ()
tell = Writer ()

Now, we can update foo to add an extra log message showing the sum of the numbers.

foo :: Writer Int -> Writer Int -> Writer Int -> Writer Int
foo (Writer k xs) (Writer l ys) (Writer m zs) =
   s = k + l + m
   Writer _ us = tell ["sum: " ++ show s]
   Writer s $ xs ++ ys ++ zs ++ us

In the REPL:

Prelude Week04.Writer> foo (number 1) (number 2) (number 3)
Writer 6 ["number: 1","number: 2","number: 3","sum: 6"]

As before, we can write a bind function:

bindWriter :: Writer a -> (a -> Writer b) -> Writer b
bindWriter (Writer a xs) f =
   Writer b ys = f a
   Writer b $ xs ++ ys

Here, the bindWriter function is returning the Writer b and producing log messages which are a concatenation of the xs that we pattern matched on input, and the ys that we pattern matched when calling f a in order to produce the Writer b.

Now, we can rewrite foo using bindWriter and make it much nicer.

foo' :: Writer Int -> Writer Int -> Writer Int -> Writer Int
foo' x y z = x `bindWriter` \k ->
            y `bindWriter` \l ->
            z `bindWriter` \m ->
            let s = k + l + m
            in tell ["sum: " ++ show s] `bindWriter` \_ ->
               Writer s []

What we did with foo before, we can now do with foo\', and we get the same result.

Prelude Week04.Writer> foo' (number 1) (number 2) (number 3)
Writer 6 ["number: 1","number: 2","number: 3","sum: 6"]

Admittedly, it is longer than it was before, but it is much nicer. We no longer need to do the pattern matching to extract the messages. We don\'t have to explicitly combine the log messages, where we could make a mistake and forget one, or get the order wrong. Instead, we abstract all that away and can just concentrate on the business logic.

Although the pattern is the same as with Maybe and Either, note that the special aspect of these computations is completely different. With Maybe and Either we dealt with the notion of failure, whereas here, with the Writer, there is no failure, but we instead have additional output.

What is a Monad?

Now, we are in a position to explain what a Monad is.

Looking back at the four examples, what did they have in common? In all four cases, We had a type constructor with one type parameter - IO, Maybe, Either String and Writer all take a type parameter.

And, for all four of these examples, we had a bind function. For IO, we had the >>= function and for the others we had the bind functions that we wrote ourselves.

bindWriter :: Writer a -> (a -> Writer b) -> Writer b
bindEither :: Either String a -> (a -> Either String b) -> Either String b
bindMaybe :: Maybe a -> (a -> Maybe b) -> Maybe b

How the bind works depends on the case. In the case of IO it is built-in magic, but you can think of it as just combining the two plans describing the actions to take during computation. For bindMaybe and bindEither the logic is for the whole plan to fail if any part of it fails, and for bindWriter, the logic was to combine the list of log messages.

And that is the main idea of Monads. It\'s a concept of computation with some additional side effects, and the ability to bind two such computations together.

There is another aspect that we briefly mentioned in the case of IO but not for the other examples - another thing that we can always do.

Whenever we have such a concept of computation with side effects, we also also always have the ability to produce a computation of this kind that doesn\'t have any side effects.

In the example of IO, this was done with return. Given an a, you can create an IO a which is the recipe that always simply returns the a with no side effects. Each of the other example has this ability as well, as shown below.

return              :: a -> IO a
Just                :: a -> Maybe a
Right               :: a -> Either String a
(\a -> Writer a []) :: a -> Writer a

And it is the combination of these two features that defines a Monad.

If we look in the REPL:

Prelude Week04.Contract> :i Monad
type Monad :: (* -> *) -> Constraint
class Applicative m => Monad m where
(>>=) :: m a -> (a -> m b) -> m b
(>>) :: m a -> m b -> m b
return :: a -> m a
{-# MINIMAL (>>=) #-}
   -- Defined in ‘GHC.Base’
instance Monad (Either e) -- Defined in ‘Data.Either’
instance Monad [] -- Defined in ‘GHC.Base’
instance Monad Maybe -- Defined in ‘GHC.Base’
instance Monad IO -- Defined in ‘GHC.Base’
instance Monad ((->) r) -- Defined in ‘GHC.Base’
instance (Monoid a, Monoid b, Monoid c) => Monad ((,,,) a b c)
-- Defined in ‘GHC.Base’
instance (Monoid a, Monoid b) => Monad ((,,) a b)
-- Defined in ‘GHC.Base’
instance Monoid a => Monad ((,) a) -- Defined in ‘GHC.Base’

We see the bind function

(>>=) :: m a -> (a -> m b) -> m b

And the return function that takes a pure value and turns it into a computation that has potential for side effects, but does not use them.

return :: a -> m a

The other function >> can easily be defined in terms of >>=, but is provided for convenience.

(>>) :: m a -> m b -> m b

What this function does is to throw away the result of the first computation, so you could define it in terms of >>= by just ignoring the argument to the function parameter.

There\'s another technical computation. We see that Monad has the super class Applicative, so every Monad is Applicative.

Prelude Week04.Contract> :i Applicative
type Applicative :: (* -> *) -> Constraint
class Functor f => Applicative f where
pure :: a -> f a
(<*>) :: f (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
GHC.Base.liftA2 :: (a -> b -> c) -> f a -> f b -> f c
(*>) :: f a -> f b -> f b
(<*) :: f a -> f b -> f a
{-# MINIMAL pure, ((<*>) | liftA2) #-}
   -- Defined in ‘GHC.Base’
instance Applicative (Either e) -- Defined in ‘Data.Either’
instance Applicative [] -- Defined in ‘GHC.Base’
instance Applicative Maybe -- Defined in ‘GHC.Base’
instance Applicative IO -- Defined in ‘GHC.Base’
instance Applicative ((->) r) -- Defined in ‘GHC.Base’
instance (Monoid a, Monoid b, Monoid c) =>
         Applicative ((,,,) a b c)
-- Defined in ‘GHC.Base’
instance (Monoid a, Monoid b) => Applicative ((,,) a b)
-- Defined in ‘GHC.Base’
instance Monoid a => Applicative ((,) a) -- Defined in ‘GHC.Base’

We see it has a bunch of functions, but we only need the first two.

pure :: a -> f a
(<*>) :: f (a -> b) -> f a -> f b

The function pure has the same type signature as return. Then there is \<*> (pronounced \'ap\') which looks a bit more complicated. But, the truth is that, once you have return and >>= in a Monad, we can easily define both pure and \<*>.

We see that Applicative also has a superclass Functor.

Prelude Week04.Contract> :i Functor
type Functor :: (* -> *) -> Constraint
class Functor f where
fmap :: (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
(<$) :: a -> f b -> f a
{-# MINIMAL fmap #-}
   -- Defined in ‘GHC.Base’
instance Functor (Either a) -- Defined in ‘Data.Either’
instance Functor [] -- Defined in ‘GHC.Base’
instance Functor Maybe -- Defined in ‘GHC.Base’
instance Functor IO -- Defined in ‘GHC.Base’
instance Functor ((->) r) -- Defined in ‘GHC.Base’
instance Functor ((,,,) a b c) -- Defined in ‘GHC.Base’
instance Functor ((,,) a b) -- Defined in ‘GHC.Base’
instance Functor ((,) a) -- Defined in ‘GHC.Base’

As we mentioned in the context of IO, Functor has the fmap function which, given a function from a to b will turn an f a into an f b.

The prototypical example for fmap is lists where fmap is just map. Given a function from a to b, you can create a list of type b from a list of type a by applying the map function to each of the elements of the list.

Again, once you have return and >>=, it is easy to define fmap.

So, whenever you want to define a Monad, you just define return and >>=, and to make the compiler happy and to give instances for Functor and Applicative, there\'s always a standard way of doing it.

We can do this in the example of Writer.

import Control.Monad

instance Functor Writer where
   fmap = liftM

instance Applicative Writer where
   pure = return
   (<*>) = ap

instance Monad Writer where
   return a = Writer a []
   (>>=) = bindWriter

We don\'t have to do the same for Maybe, Either or IO because they are already Monads defined by the Prelude.

Why Is This useful?

It is always useful, in general, to identify a common pattern and give it a name.

But, maybe the most important advantage is that there are lots of functions that don\'t care which Monad we are dealing with - they will work with all Monads.

Let\'s generalize the example where we compute the sum of three integers. We use a let in the example below for reasons that will become clear in moment.

threeInts :: Monad m => m Int -> m Int -> m Int -> m Int
threeInts mx my mz =
   mx >>= \k ->
   my >>= \l ->
   mz >>= \m ->
   let s = k + l + m in return s

Now we have this function, we can return to the Maybe example and rewrite it.

foo'' :: String -> String -> String -> Maybe Int
foo'' x y z = threeInts (readMaybe x) (readMaybe y) (readMaybe z)

We can do the same for the Either example.

foo'' :: String -> String -> String -> Either String Int
foo'' x y z = threeInts (readEither x) (readEither y) (readEither z)

The Writer example is not exactly the same.

If we are happy not to have the log message for the sum, it is very simple as it is already an instance of threeInts.

foo'' :: Writer Int -> Writer Int -> Writer Int -> Writer Int
foo'' x y z = threeInts

However, if we want the final log message, it becomes a little more complicated.

foo'' :: Writer Int -> Writer Int -> Writer Int -> Writer Int
foo'' x y z = do
   s <- threeInts x y z
   tell ["sum: " ++ show s]
   return s

If you look into the Control.Monad module in the standard Haskell Prelude, you will see that there are many useful functions that you can use for all Monads.

One way to think about a Monad is as a computation with a super power.

In the case of IO, the super power would be having real-world side-effects. In the case of Maybe, the super power is being able to fail. The super power of Either is to fail with an error message. And in the case of Writer, the super power is to log messages.

There is a saying in the Haskell community that Haskell has an overloaded semi-colon. The explanation for this is that in many imperative programming languages, you have semi-colons that end with a semi-colon - each statement is executed one after the other, each separated by a semi-colon. But, what exactly the semi-colon means depends on the language. For example, there could be an exception, in which case computation would stop and wouldn\'t continue with the next lines.

In a sense, bind is like a semi-colon. And the cool thing about Haskell is that it is a programmable semi-colon. We get to say what the logic is for combining two computations together.

Each Monad comes with its own \"semi-colon\".

\'do\' notation

Because this pattern is so common and monadic computations are all over the place, there is a special notation for this in Haskell, called do notation.

It is syntactic sugar. Let\'s rewrite threeInts using do notation.

threeInts' :: Monad m => m Int -> m Int -> m Int -> m Int
threeInts' mx my mz = do
   k <- mx
   l <- my
   m <- mz
   let s = k + l + m
   return s

This does exactly the same thing as the non-do version, but it has less noise.

Note that the let statement does not use an in part. It does not need to inside a do block.

And that\'s Monads. There is a lot more to say about them but hopefully you now have an idea of what Monads are and how they work.

Often you are in a situation where you want several effects at once -for example you may want optional failure and log messages. There are ways to do that in Haskell. For example there are Monad Transformers where one can basically build custom Monads with the features that you want.

There are other approaches. One is called Effect Systems, which has a similar objective. And this is incidentally what Plutus uses for important Monads. In particular the Contact Monad in the wallet, and the Trace Monad which is used to test Plutus code.

The good news is that you don\'t need to understand Effect Systems to work with these Monads. You just need to know that you are working with a Monad, and what super powers it has.

Plutus Monads

Now that we have seen how to write monadic code, either by using bind and return or by using do notation, we can look a very important Monad, namely the Contract Monad, which you may have already noticed in previous code examples.

The Contract Monad defines code that will run in the wallet, which is the off-chain part of Plutus.

But, before we go into details, we will talk about a second Monad, the EmulatorTrace monad.

The EmulatorTrace Monad

You may have wondered if there is a way to execute Plutus code for testing purposes without using the Plutus Playground. There is indeed, and this is done using the EmulatorTrace Monad.

You can think of a program in this monad as what we do manually in the simulator tab of the playground. That is, we define the initial conditions, we define the actions such as which wallets invoke which endpoints with which parameters and we define the waiting periods between actions.

The relevant definitions are in the package plutus-contract in module Plutus.Trace.Emulator.

module Plutus.Trace.Emulator

The most basic function is called runEmulatorTrace.

-- | Run an emulator trace to completion, returning a tuple of the final state
-- of the emulator, the events, and any error, if any.
    :: EmulatorConfig
    -> EmulatorTrace ()
    -> ([EmulatorEvent], Maybe EmulatorErr, EmulatorState)
runEmulatorTrace cfg trace =
    (\(xs :> (y, z)) -> (xs, y, z))
    $ run
    $ runReader ((initialDist . _initialChainState) cfg)
    $ foldEmulatorStreamM (generalize list)
    $ runEmulatorStream cfg trace

It gets something called an EmulatorConfig and an EmulatorTrace (), which is a pure computation where no real-world side effects are involved. It is a pure function that executes the trace on an emulated blockchain, and then gives a result as a list of EmulatorEvents, maybe an error, if there was one, and then finally the final EmulatorState.

EmulatorConfig is defined in a different module in the same package:

module Wallet.Emulator.Stream

data EmulatorConfig =
    { _initialChainState      :: InitialChainState -- ^ State of the blockchain at the beginning of the simulation. Can be given as a map of funds to wallets, or as a block of transactions.
    } deriving (Eq, Show)

type InitialChainState = Either InitialDistribution Block

We see it only has one field, which is of type InitialChainState and it is either InitialDistribution or Block.

InitialDistribution is defined in another module in the same package, and it is a type synonym for a map of key value pairs of Wallets to Values, as you would expect. Value can be either lovelace or native tokens.

module Plutus.Contract.Trace

type InitialDistribution = Map Wallet Value

In the same module, we see something called defaultDist which returns a default distribution for all wallets. It does this by passing the 10 wallets defined by allWallets to defaultDistFor which takes a list of wallets.

-- | The wallets used in mockchain simulations by default. There are
--   ten wallets because the emulator comes with ten private keys.
allWallets :: [EM.Wallet]
allWallets = EM.Wallet <$> [1 .. 10]

defaultDist :: InitialDistribution
defaultDist = defaultDistFor allWallets

defaultDistFor :: [EM.Wallet] -> InitialDistribution
defaultDistFor wallets = Map.fromList $ zip wallets (repeat (Ada.lovelaceValueOf 100_000_000))

We can try this out in the REPL:

Prelude Week04.Contract> import Plutus.Trace.Emulator
Prelude Plutus.Trace.Emulator Week04.Contract> import Plutus.Contract.Trace
Prelude Plutus.Trace.Emulator Plutus.Contract.Trace Week04.Contract> defaultDist
fromList [(Wallet 1,Value (Map [(,Map [("",100000000)])])),(Wallet 2,Value (Map [(,Map [("",100000000)])])),(Wallet 3,Value (Map [(,Map [("",100000000)])])),(Wallet 4,Value (Map [(,Map [("",100000000)])])),(Wallet 5,Value (Map [(,Map [("",100000000)])])),(Wallet 6,Value (Map [(,Map [("",100000000)])])),(Wallet 7,Value (Map [(,Map [("",100000000)])])),(Wallet 8,Value (Map [(,Map [("",100000000)])])),(Wallet 9,Value (Map [(,Map [("",100000000)])])),(Wallet 10,Value (Map [(,Map [("",100000000)])]))]

We can see that each of the 10 wallets has been given an initial distribution of 100,000,000 lovelace.

We can also get the balances for a specific wallet or wallets:

Prelude Plutus.Trace.Emulator Plutus.Contract.Trace Week04.Contract> defaultDistFor [Wallet 1]
fromList [(Wallet 1,Value (Map [(,Map [("",100000000)])]))]

If you want different initial values, of if you want native tokens, then you have to specify that manually.

Let\'s see what we need to run our first trace:

Prelude Plutus.Trace.Emulator Plutus.Contract.Trace Week04.Contract> :t runEmulatorTrace
:: EmulatorConfig
-> EmulatorTrace ()
-> ([Wallet.Emulator.MultiAgent.EmulatorEvent], Maybe EmulatorErr,

So, we need an EmulatorConfig which we know takes an InitialChainState.

Prelude Plutus.Trace.Emulator Plutus.Contract.Trace Week04.Contract> import Wallet.Emulator.Stream 
Prelude Plutus.Trace.Emulator Plutus.Contract.Trace Wallet.Emulator.Stream Week04.Contract> :i InitialChainState 
type InitialChainState :: *
type InitialChainState =
Either InitialDistribution Ledger.Blockchain.Block
      -- Defined in ‘Wallet.Emulator.Stream’

If we take the Left of the defaultDist will will get an InitialDistribution.

Prelude Plutus.Trace.Emulator Plutus.Contract.Trace Wallet.Emulator.Stream Week04.Contract> :t Left defaultDist
Left defaultDist :: Either InitialDistribution b

Which we can then use to construct an EmulatorConfig.

Prelude Plutus.Trace.Emulator Plutus.Contract.Trace Wallet.Emulator.Stream Week04.Contract> EmulatorConfig $ Left defaultDist
EmulatorConfig {_initialChainState = Left (fromList [(Wallet 1,Value (Map [(,Map [("",100000000)])])),(Wallet 2,Value (Map [(,Map [("",100000000)])])),(Wallet 3,Value (Map [(,Map [("",100000000)])])),(Wallet 4,Value (Map [(,Map [("",100000000)])])),(Wallet 5,Value (Map [(,Map [("",100000000)])])),(Wallet 6,Value (Map [(,Map [("",100000000)])])),(Wallet 7,Value (Map [(,Map [("",100000000)])])),(Wallet 8,Value (Map [(,Map [("",100000000)])])),(Wallet 9,Value (Map [(,Map [("",100000000)])])),(Wallet 10,Value (Map [(,Map [("",100000000)])]))])}

So, let\'s try out runEmulatorTrace. Recall that, as well as and EmulatorConfig, we also need to pass in an EmulatorTrace, and the most simple one we can create is simply one that returns Unit - return ().

runEmulatorTrace (EmulatorConfig $ Left defaultDist) $ return ()

If you run this in the REPL you will get a crazy amount of data output to the console, even though we are not doing anything with the trace. If you want to make it useful, you must somehow filter all this data down to something that sensible, and aggregate it in some way.

Luckily, there are other functions as well as runEmulatorTrace. One of them is runEmulatorTraceIo which runs the emulation then outputs the trace in a nice form on the screen.

:: EmulatorTrace ()
-> IO ()
runEmulatorTraceIO = runEmulatorTraceIO' def def

To use this function, we don\'t need to specify an EmulatorConfig like we did before, because by default will will just use the default distribution.

In the REPL:

Prelude...> runEmulatorTraceIO $ return ()
Slot 00000: TxnValidate af5e6d25b5ecb26185289a03d50786b7ac4425b21849143ed7e18bcd70dc4db8
Slot 00000: SlotAdd Slot 1
Slot 00001: SlotAdd Slot 2
Final balances
Wallet 1: 
{, ""}: 100000000
Wallet 2: 
{, ""}: 100000000
Wallet 3: 
{, ""}: 100000000
Wallet 4: 
{, ""}: 100000000
Wallet 5: 
{, ""}: 100000000
Wallet 6: 
{, ""}: 100000000
Wallet 7: 
{, ""}: 100000000
Wallet 8: 
{, ""}: 100000000
Wallet 9: 
{, ""}: 100000000
Wallet 10: 
{, ""}: 100000000

And we see a much more manageable, concise output. Nothing happens, but we see the Genesis transaction and then the final balances for each wallet.

If you want more control, there is also runEmulatorTraceIO\', which does take an EmulatorConfig, so we could specify a different distribution.

:: TraceConfig
-> EmulatorConfig
-> EmulatorTrace ()
-> IO ()
runEmulatorTraceIO' tcfg cfg trace
= runPrintEffect (outputHandle tcfg) $ runEmulatorTraceEff tcfg cfg trace

It also takes a TraceConfig, which has two fields.

data TraceConfig = TraceConfig
{ showEvent    :: EmulatorEvent' -> Maybe String
-- ^ Function to decide how to print the particular events.
, outputHandle :: Handle
-- ^ Where to print the outputs to. Default: 'System.IO.stdout'

The first field, showEvent is a function that specifies which EmulatorEvents are displayed and how they are displayed. It takes an EmulatorEvent as an argument and can return Nothing it the event should not be displayed, or a Just with a String showing how the event will be displayed.

Here is the default TraceConfig used by runEmulatorTraceIO. We can see that most events are ignored and that we only get output for some of the events.

instance Default TraceConfig where
def = TraceConfig
            { showEvent     = defaultShowEvent
            , outputHandle  = stdout

defaultShowEvent :: EmulatorEvent' -> Maybe String
defaultShowEvent = \case
UserThreadEvent (UserLog msg)                                        -> Just $ "*** USER LOG: " <> msg
InstanceEvent (ContractInstanceLog (ContractLog (A.String msg)) _ _) -> Just $ "*** CONTRACT LOG: " <> show msg
InstanceEvent (ContractInstanceLog (StoppedWithError err)       _ _) -> Just $ "*** CONTRACT STOPPED WITH ERROR: " <> show err
InstanceEvent (ContractInstanceLog NoRequestsHandled            _ _) -> Nothing
InstanceEvent (ContractInstanceLog (HandledRequest _)           _ _) -> Nothing
InstanceEvent (ContractInstanceLog (CurrentRequests _)          _ _) -> Nothing
SchedulerEvent _                                                     -> Nothing
ChainIndexEvent _ _                                                  -> Nothing
WalletEvent _ _                                                      -> Nothing
ev                                                                   -> Just . renderString . layoutPretty defaultLayoutOptions . pretty $ ev

The second field is a handle which defaults to stdout, but we could also specify a file here.

Now let\'s look at a more interesting trace, using the Vesting contract from the last lecture.

First, we define a Trace.

myTrace :: EmulatorTrace ()
myTrace = do
h1 <- activateContractWallet (Wallet 1) endpoints
h2 <- activateContractWallet (Wallet 2) endpoints
callEndpoint @"give" h1 $ GiveParams
      { gpBeneficiary = pubKeyHash $ walletPubKey $ Wallet 2
      , gpDeadline    = Slot 20
      , gpAmount      = 1000
void $ waitUntilSlot 20
callEndpoint @"grab" h2 ()
void $ waitNSlots 1

The first thing we have to do is to activate the wallets using the monadic function activateContractWallet. We bind the result of this function to h1, and then bind the result of a second call (for Wallet 2) to h2. Those two values - h1 and h2 are handles to their respective wallets.

Next, we use callEndpoint to simulate Wallet 1 calling the give endpoint, with the shown parameters. We then wait for 20 slots. The function waitUntilSlot actually returns a value representing the slot that was reached, but, as we are not interested in that value here, we use void to ignore it. We then simulate the call to the grab endpoint by Wallet 2.

Now, we can write a function to call runEmulatorTraceIO with out Trace.

test :: IO ()
test = runEmulatorTraceIO myTrace

And, we can then run this in the REPL:

Prelude Plutus.Trace.Emulator Plutus.Contract.Trace Wallet.Emulator Week04.Trace Wallet.Emulator.Stream Week04.Contract> test
Slot 00000: TxnValidate af5e6d25b5ecb26185289a03d50786b7ac4425b21849143ed7e18bcd70dc4db8
Slot 00000: SlotAdd Slot 1
Slot 00001: 00000000-0000-4000-8000-000000000000 {Contract instance for wallet 1}:
  Contract instance started
Slot 00001: 00000000-0000-4000-8000-000000000001 {Contract instance for wallet 2}:
  Contract instance started
Slot 00001: 00000000-0000-4000-8000-000000000000 {Contract instance for wallet 1}:
  Receive endpoint call: Object (fromList [("tag",String "give"),("value",Object (fromList [("unEndpointValue",Object (fromList [("gpAmount",Number 1000.0),("gpBeneficiary",Object (fromList [("getPubKeyHash",String "39f713d0a644253f04529421b9f51b9b08979d08295959c4f3990ee617f5139f")])),("gpDeadline",Object (fromList [("getSlot",Number 20.0)]))]))]))])
Slot 00001: W1: TxSubmit: 49f326a21c09ba52eddee46b65bdb5fb33b3444745e9af1510a68f9043696eba
Slot 00001: TxnValidate 49f326a21c09ba52eddee46b65bdb5fb33b3444745e9af1510a68f9043696eba
Slot 00001: SlotAdd Slot 2
Slot 00002: *** CONTRACT LOG: "made a gift of 1000 lovelace to 39f713d0a644253f04529421b9f51b9b08979d08295959c4f3990ee617f5139f with deadline Slot {getSlot = 20}"
Slot 00002: SlotAdd Slot 3
Slot 00003: SlotAdd Slot 4
Slot 00004: SlotAdd Slot 5
Slot 00005: SlotAdd Slot 6
Slot 00006: SlotAdd Slot 7
Slot 00007: SlotAdd Slot 8
Slot 00008: SlotAdd Slot 9
Slot 00009: SlotAdd Slot 10
Slot 00010: SlotAdd Slot 11
Slot 00011: SlotAdd Slot 12
Slot 00012: SlotAdd Slot 13
Slot 00013: SlotAdd Slot 14
Slot 00014: SlotAdd Slot 15
Slot 00015: SlotAdd Slot 16
Slot 00016: SlotAdd Slot 17
Slot 00017: SlotAdd Slot 18
Slot 00018: SlotAdd Slot 19
Slot 00019: SlotAdd Slot 20
Slot 00020: 00000000-0000-4000-8000-000000000001 {Contract instance for wallet 2}:
  Receive endpoint call: Object (fromList [("tag",String "grab"),("value",Object (fromList [("unEndpointValue",Array [])]))])
Slot 00020: W2: TxSubmit: d9a2028384b4472242371f27cb51727f5c7c04327972e4278d1f69f606019a8b
Slot 00020: TxnValidate d9a2028384b4472242371f27cb51727f5c7c04327972e4278d1f69f606019a8b
Slot 00020: SlotAdd Slot 21
Slot 00021: *** CONTRACT LOG: "collected gifts"
Slot 00021: SlotAdd Slot 22
Final balances
Wallet 1: 
    {, ""}: 99998990
Wallet 2: 
    {, ""}: 100000990
Wallet 3: 
    {, ""}: 100000000
Wallet 4: 
    {, ""}: 100000000
Wallet 5: 
    {, ""}: 100000000
Wallet 6: 
    {, ""}: 100000000
Wallet 7: 
    {, ""}: 100000000
Wallet 8: 
    {, ""}: 100000000
Wallet 9: 
    {, ""}: 100000000
Wallet 10: 
    {, ""}: 100000000

This output is very similar to the output we see in the playground. We can see the Genesis transaction as well as both the give and grab transactions from the Trace. We can also see some log output from the contract itself, prefixed with CONTRACT LOG.

We can also log from inside the Trace monad. We could, for example, lof the result of the final waitNSlots call:

myTrace :: EmulatorTrace ()
myTrace = do
s <- waitNSlots 1
Extras.logInfo $ "reached slot " ++ show s

We would then see this output when we run the emulation:

Slot 00020: SlotAdd Slot 21
Slot 00021: *** USER LOG: reached slot Slot {getSlot = 21}
Slot 00021: *** CONTRACT LOG: "collected gifts"
Slot 00021: SlotAdd Slot 22

Now let\'s look at the Contract Monad.

The Contract Monad

The purpose of the Contract Monad is to define off-chain code that runs in the wallet. It has four type parameters:

newtype Contract w s e a = Contract { unContract :: Eff (ContractEffs w s e) a }
      deriving newtype (Functor, Applicative, Monad)

The a is the same as in every Monad - it denotes the result type of the computation.

We will go into the other three in more detail later but just briefly:

Let\'s write an example.

myContract1 :: Contract () BlockchainActions Text ()
myContract1 = Contract.logInfo @String "Hello from the contract!"

Here, we pass a Contract constructed with Unit as the w type and BlockchainActions as the second argument, s. This gives us access to all the blockchain actions - the only thing we can\'t do is to call specific endpoints.

For e - the error message type, we use Text. Text is a Haskell type which is like String, but it is much more efficient.

We don\'t want a specific result, so we use Unit for the type a.

For the function body, we write a log message. We use \@String because, we have imported the type Data.Text and we have used the OverloadedStrings GHC compiler option, so the compiler needs to know what type we are referencing - a Text or a String. We can use \@String if we also use the compiler option TypeApplications.

Let\'s now define a Trace that starts the contract in the wallet, and a test function to run it.

myTrace1 :: EmulatorTrace ()
myTrace1 = void $ activateContractWallet (Wallet 1) myContract1

test1 :: IO ()
test1 = runEmulatorTraceIO myTrace1

If we run this in the REPL, we will see our log message from the contract.

``` {.Prelude Plutus.Trace.Emulator Plutus.Contract.Trace Wallet.Emulator Week04.Trace Wallet.Emulator.Stream Week04.Contract> test1 Slot 00000: TxnValidate af5e6d25b5ecb26185289a03d50786b7ac4425b21849143ed7e18bcd70dc4db8 Slot 00000: SlotAdd Slot 1 Slot 00001: 00000000-0000-4000-8000-000000000000 {Contract instance for wallet 1}: Contract instance started Slot 00001: *** CONTRACT LOG: \"Hello from the contract!\" Slot 00001: 00000000-0000-4000-8000-000000000000 {Contract instance for wallet 1}: Contract instance stopped (no errors) Slot 00001: SlotAdd Slot 2 Final balances Wallet 1: {, \"\"}: 100000000 Wallet 2: {, \"\"}: 100000000 Wallet 3: {, \"\"}: 100000000 Wallet 4: {, \"\"}: 100000000 Wallet 5: {, \"\"}: 100000000 Wallet 6: {, \"\"}: 100000000 Wallet 7: {, \"\"}: 100000000 Wallet 8: {, \"\"}: 100000000 Wallet 9: {, \"\"}: 100000000 Wallet 10: {, \"\"}: 100000000}

Now, let\'s throw an exception.

myContract1 :: Contract () BlockchainActions Text ()
myContract1 = do
void $ Contract.throwError "BOOM!"
Contract.logInfo @String "Hello from the contract!"

Recall that we chose the type Text as the error message.

Prelude Plutus.Trace.Emulator Plutus.Contract.Trace Wallet.Emulator Week04.Trace Wallet.Emulator.Stream Week04.Contract> test1
Slot 00000: TxnValidate af5e6d25b5ecb26185289a03d50786b7ac4425b21849143ed7e18bcd70dc4db8
Slot 00000: SlotAdd Slot 1
Slot 00001: 00000000-0000-4000-8000-000000000000 {Contract instance for wallet 1}:
Contract instance started
Slot 00001: SlotAdd Slot 2
Final balances
Wallet 1: 
{, ""}: 100000000
Wallet 2: 
{, ""}: 100000000
Wallet 3: 
{, ""}: 100000000
Wallet 4: 
{, ""}: 100000000
Wallet 5: 
{, ""}: 100000000
Wallet 6: 
{, ""}: 100000000
Wallet 7: 
{, ""}: 100000000
Wallet 8: 
{, ""}: 100000000
Wallet 9: 
{, ""}: 100000000
Wallet 10: 
{, ""}: 100000000

Now, we don\'t get the log message, but we do get told that the contract stopped with an error and we see our exception message.

Another thing you can do is to handle exceptions. We will use the handleError function from module Plutus.Contract.Types.

handleError ::
      forall w s e e' a.
      (e -> Contract w s e' a)
      -> Contract w s e a
      -> Contract w s e' a
handleError f (Contract c) = Contract c' where
      c' = E.handleError @e (raiseUnderN @'[E.Error e'] c) (fmap unContract f)

The handleError function takes an error handler and a Contract instance. The error handler takes an argument of type e from our contract, and returns a new Contract with the same type parameters as the first, but we can change the type of the e argument - the error type, which is expressed in the return Contract argument list as e\'.

myContract2 :: Contract () BlockchainActions Void ()
myContract2 = Contract.handleError
      (\err -> Contract.logError $ "Caught error: " ++ unpack err)

myTrace2 :: EmulatorTrace ()
myTrace2 = void $ activateContractWallet (Wallet 1) myContract2

test2 :: IO ()
test2 = runEmulatorTraceIO myTrace2

We use the type Void as the error type. Void is a type that can hold no value, so, by using this type we are saying that there cannot be any errors for this contract.


The function *unpack* is defined in the *Data.Text* module. It converts
a value of type *Text* to a value of type *String*.
Prelude Plutus.Trace.Emulator Plutus.Contract.Trace Wallet.Emulator Week04.Trace Wallet.Emulator.Stream Week04.Contract> test2
Slot 00000: TxnValidate af5e6d25b5ecb26185289a03d50786b7ac4425b21849143ed7e18bcd70dc4db8
Slot 00000: SlotAdd Slot 1
Slot 00001: 00000000-0000-4000-8000-000000000000 {Contract instance for wallet 1}:
Contract instance started
Slot 00001: *** CONTRACT LOG: "Caught error: BOOM!"
Slot 00001: 00000000-0000-4000-8000-000000000000 {Contract instance for wallet 1}:
Contract instance stopped (no errors)
Slot 00001: SlotAdd Slot 2
Final balances

We no longer get the error message, but, instead we get a message from the error handler showing the exception that was thrown by Contract1. Note that we still do not get the message \"Hello from the contract!\". Contract 1 still stopped processing after its error, but there was no overall contract error due to the exception being caught and handled.

Of course, exceptions can also happen even if they are not explicitly thrown by your contract code. There are operations, such as submitting a transaction where there are insufficient inputs to make a payment for an output, where Plutus will throw an exception.

Next, let\'s look at the s parameter, the second parameter to Contract, that determines the available blockchain actions.

In the first two examples we just used the BlockChainActions type which has all the standard functionality but without support for specific endpoints. If we want support for specific endpoints, we must use a different type.

The way that is usually done is by using a type synonym. The following example will create a type synonym MySchema that has all the capabilities of BlockChainActions but with the addition of being able to call endpoint foo with an argument of type Int.

type MySchema = BlockchainActions .\/ Endpoint "foo" Int

The operator *.\\/* is a type operator - it operates on types, not
values. In order to use this we need to use the *TypeOperators* and
*DataKinds* compiler options.

Now, we can use the MySchema type to define our contract.

myContract3 :: Contract () MySchema Text ()
myContract3 = do
      n <- endpoint @"foo"
      Contract.logInfo n

This contract will block until the endpoint foo is called with, in our case, an Int. Then the value of the Int parameter will be bound to n. Because of this, it is no longer enough for us to just activate the contract to test it. Now, we must invoke the endpoint as well.

In order to do this, we now need to handle from activateContractWallet, which we can then use to call the endpoint.

myTrace3 :: EmulatorTrace ()
myTrace3 = do
      h <- activateContractWallet (Wallet 1) myContract3
      callEndpoint @"foo" h 42

test3 :: IO ()
test3 = runEmulatorTraceIO myTrace3

Running this in the REPL:

Prelude Plutus.Trace.Emulator Plutus.Contract.Trace Wallet.Emulator Week04.Trace Wallet.Emulator.Stream Week04.Contract> test3
Slot 00000: TxnValidate af5e6d25b5ecb26185289a03d50786b7ac4425b21849143ed7e18bcd70dc4db8
Receive endpoint call: Object (fromList [("tag",String "foo"),("value",Object (fromList [("unEndpointValue",Number 42.0)]))])
Slot 00001: 00000000-0000-4000-8000-000000000000 {Contract instance for wallet 1}:
Contract log: Number 42.0
Final balances
Wallet 10: 
{, ""}: 100000000

Finally, let\'s look at the first type parameter, the writer. The w cannot be an arbitrary type, it must be an instance of the type class Monoid.

Prelude Plutus.Trace.Emulator Plutus.Contract.Trace Wallet.Emulator Week04.Trace Wallet.Emulator.Stream Week04.Contract> :i Monoid
type Monoid :: * -> Constraint
class Semigroup a => Monoid a where
mempty :: a
mappend :: a -> a -> a
mconcat :: [a] -> a
{-# MINIMAL mempty #-}
      -- Defined in ‘GHC.Base’
instance Monoid [a] -- Defined in ‘GHC.Base’
instance Monoid Ordering -- Defined in ‘GHC.Base’
instance Semigroup a => Monoid (Maybe a) -- Defined in ‘GHC.Base’
instance Monoid a => Monoid (IO a) -- Defined in ‘GHC.Base’
instance Monoid b => Monoid (a -> b) -- Defined in ‘GHC.Base’
instance (Monoid a, Monoid b, Monoid c, Monoid d, Monoid e) =>
      Monoid (a, b, c, d, e)
-- Defined in ‘GHC.Base’
instance (Monoid a, Monoid b, Monoid c, Monoid d) =>
      Monoid (a, b, c, d)
-- Defined in ‘GHC.Base’
instance (Monoid a, Monoid b, Monoid c) => Monoid (a, b, c)
-- Defined in ‘GHC.Base’
instance (Monoid a, Monoid b) => Monoid (a, b)
-- Defined in ‘GHC.Base’
instance Monoid () -- Defined in ‘GHC.Base’

This is a very important and very common type class in Haskell. It defines mempty and mappend.

The function mempty is like the neutral element, and mappend combines two elements of this type to create a new element of the same type.

The prime example of a Monoid is List, when mempty is the empty list [], and mappend is concatenation ++.

For example:

Prelude> mempty :: [Int]
Prelude> mappend [1, 2, 3 :: Int] [4, 5, 6]

The are many, many other examples of the Monoid type, and we will see other instances in this course.

But for now, let\'s stick with lists and write our last example.

myContract4 :: Contract [Int] BlockchainActions Text ()
myContract4 = do
    void $ Contract.waitNSlots 10
    tell [1]
    void $ Contract.waitNSlots 10
    tell [2]
    void $ Contract.waitNSlots 10

Rather than using Unit as our w type, we are using [Int]. This allows us to use the tell function as shown.

This now gives us access to those messages during the trace, using the observableState function.

myTrace4 :: EmulatorTrace ()
myTrace4 = do
    h <- activateContractWallet (Wallet 1) myContract4

    void $ Emulator.waitNSlots 5
    xs <- observableState h
    Extras.logInfo $ show xs

    void $ Emulator.waitNSlots 10
    ys <- observableState h
    Extras.logInfo $ show ys

    void $ Emulator.waitNSlots 10
    zs <- observableState h
    Extras.logInfo $ show zs

test4 :: IO ()
test4 = runEmulatorTraceIO myTrace4

If we run this in the REPL, we can see the USER LOG messages created using the tell function.

Prelude Plutus.Trace.Emulator Plutus.Contract.Trace Wallet.Emulator Week04.Trace Wallet.Emulator.Stream Week04.Contract> test4
Slot 00000: TxnValidate af5e6d25b5ecb26185289a03d50786b7ac4425b21849143ed7e18bcd70dc4db8
Slot 00000: SlotAdd Slot 1
Slot 00001: 00000000-0000-4000-8000-000000000000 {Contract instance for wallet 1}:
  Contract instance started
Slot 00001: SlotAdd Slot 2
Slot 00005: SlotAdd Slot 6
Slot 00006: 00000000-0000-4000-8000-000000000000 {Contract instance for wallet 1}:
  Sending contract state to Thread 0
Slot 00006: SlotAdd Slot 7
Slot 00007: *** USER LOG: []
Slot 00007: SlotAdd Slot 8
Slot 00015: SlotAdd Slot 16
Slot 00016: 00000000-0000-4000-8000-000000000000 {Contract instance for wallet 1}:
  Sending contract state to Thread 0
Slot 00016: SlotAdd Slot 17
Slot 00017: *** USER LOG: [1]
Slot 00017: SlotAdd Slot 18
Slot 00025: SlotAdd Slot 26
Slot 00026: 00000000-0000-4000-8000-000000000000 {Contract instance for wallet 1}:
  Sending contract state to Thread 0
Slot 00026: SlotAdd Slot 27
Slot 00027: *** USER LOG: [1,2]
Final balances
Wallet 1: 
    {, ""}: 100000000
Wallet 2: 
    {, ""}: 100000000
Wallet 10: 
    {, ""}: 100000000

Using this mechanism, it is possible to pass information from the contract running in the wallet to the outside world. Using endpoints we can pass information into a contract. And using the tell mechanism we can get information out of the wallet.