Lecture 5: Minting Policy

Condensed version of Lecture #5 of the Plutus Pioneer Program by Lars Brünjes on Youtube

Cloned from Reddit (u/RikAlexander)


This lecture is all about Native Tokens!

We'll be looking at how to Mint and Burn tokens, also how to define minting policies; which define under which conditions native tokens can be minted or burned.


First of all each UTxO has both an Address and a Value.

In EUTxO, each UTxO also has a Datum (for which we have seen multiple use-cases in weeks 1-4).

Up until now Value was always Ada (or Lovelaces)

Note: one exception being the Auction example from Week01. Although we did create an NFT to be auctioned, we did it by using a Playground feature that created this NFT at Initialization.

We identify tokens by its CurrencySymbol and TokenName.

For Ada these are both empty strings.

If we look at Plutus/V1/Ledger/Value.hs of the Plutus Repository

This combination of CurrencySymbol and TokenName is also called an AssetClass as defined on line 183

newtype AssetClass = AssetClass { unAssetClass :: (CurrencySymbol, TokenName) }

The Value type, by setting the Integer, just says: how many units of each AssetClass are in this value.

Line 210

newtype Value = Value { getValue :: Map.Map CurrencySymbol (Map.Map TokenName Integer) }

Although it is important to know what Value is, we should never construct a Value directly with Maps; there are helper functions for this that should be used.

For Lovelaces, we have the lovelaceValueOf function, which takes an Integer and returns a Value.

As I said, for Ada both the CurrencySymbol and TokenName are empty strings, for Ada these are defined in Plutus/V1/Ledger/Ada.hs of the Plutus Repository

We can use them by calling adaSymbol and/or adaToken; both of which contain an emptyByteString.

Line 47-48

adaSymbol :: CurrencySymbol
adaSymbol = TH.currencySymbol emptyByteString

Line 52-53

adaToken :: TokenName
adaToken = TH.tokenName emptyByteString

If we call the lovelaceValueOf function with a Integer valued 123, we can see our generated Value.

lovelaceValueOf 123
Value (Map [(,Map [("",123)])])

As you can see, both the CurrencySymbol and TokenName are empty, by which we know this is a value of 123 lovelaces.

lovelaceValueOf for other tokens

To create Value's for Tokens other than Ada, we can use singleton, it is specified as:

singleton :: CurrencySymbol -> TokenName -> Integer -> Value

CurrencySymbol must be a valid hexadecimal value (for example: a8ff) (we'll get to "why" in a second)

TokenName can be any arbitrary byte string

For example:

singleton "a8ff" "TOKEN" 10

would return a Value of

Value (Map [(a8ff,Map [("TOKEN",10)])])

Note: to use strings as we do here, we must activate the OverloadedStrings extension, in the ghci we do this by calling: :set -XOverloadedStrings in our scripts we would need to add the language pragma {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}

Combining Value's

The Value class is an instance of Monoid (check out week04 for a more in depth explanation).

Because of this, we can use the mappend functionality that Monoids give us, to combine 2 (or more) Value's.

Note: the mappend function also has an operator for it: <>

Example using lovelaceValueOf

lovelaceValueOf 15 <> lovelaceValueOf 10

Which would give us a Value of 25 lovelaces.

When combining multiple Values of different Tokens (so not only lovelaces), we'd get a Value with multiple Maps. e.g.

singleton "a8ff" "ABC" 7 <> lovelaceValueOf 42 <> singleton "a8ff" "XYZ" 100

which would return

Value (Map [(, Map [("", 42)]), ("a8ff", Map [("ABC", 7), ("XYZ", 100)])])

Now if we'd want to retrieve for example our 100 'XYZ', we can do so by using the valueOf function

valueOf :: Value -> CurrencySymbol -> TokenName -> Integer

First for ease of use, we'll assign our two singletons and lovelaces to a variable

let v = singleton "a8ff" "ABC" 7 <> lovelaceValueOf 42 <> singleton "a8ff" "XYZ" 100

Which we can now use with valueOf

valueOf v "a8ff" "XYZ"

To get our 100 "XYZ".

Last but not least, there is the flattenValue function, which.. well.. flattens the Maps in our Value

flattenValue v

To get a flattened list of triples


Minting Policy

In every transaction, there is a rule.

That rule states: "What comes in, must come out."

Note: one exception is the Fees

This is important because this would mean we could never mint/create tokens in a transaction, as this would break that rule.

This is where Minting Policies come in.

Our CurrencySymbol, in all of our created Value's, was always the hexadecimal string "a8ff", why?

Well the CurrencySymbol is the Hash of a Script; our Minting Policy (or MonetaryPolicy)

For each transaction that wants to mint or burn native tokens, CurrencySymbol is looked up, this script is now executed alongside other validation scripts, that then decides if the transaction is allowed to mint/burn native tokens.

For Ada this applies as well, here our CurrencySymbol thus our Minting Policy (or MonetaryPolicy), is empty.

Because there is no script here, we have no way of minting or burning Ada; which is exactly what we expect. The amount of Ada is fixed, and cannot be changed.

If we look at the definition of ScriptContext in Plutus/V1/Ledger/Contexts.hs of the Plutus Repository

Line 115

data ScriptContext = ScriptContext{scriptContextTxInfo :: TxInfo, scriptContextPurpose :: ScriptPurpose }

We have a ScriptPurpose here (defined on lines 94 - 98)

data ScriptPurpose
    = Minting CurrencySymbol
    | Spending TxOutRef
    | Rewarding StakingCredential
    | Certifying DCert

Until now we have only been using ScriptContext's with a ScriptPurpose of Spending; now we'll have the Purpose Minting.

ScriptContext also has a scriptContextTxInfo of type TxInfo (lines 101 - 113)

data TxInfo = TxInfo
    { txInfoInputs      :: [TxInInfo] -- ^ Transaction inputs
    , txInfoOutputs     :: [TxOut] -- ^ Transaction outputs
    , txInfoFee         :: Value -- ^ The fee paid by this transaction.
    , txInfoForge       :: Value -- ^ The 'Value' forged by this transaction.
    , txInfoDCert       :: [DCert] -- ^ Digests of certificates included in this transaction
    , txInfoWdrl        :: [(StakingCredential, Integer)] -- ^ Withdrawals
    , txInfoValidRange  :: SlotRange -- ^ The valid range for the transaction.
    , txInfoSignatories :: [PubKeyHash] -- ^ Signatures provided with the transaction, attested that they all signed the tx
    , txInfoData        :: [(DatumHash, Datum)]
    , txInfoId          :: TxId
    -- ^ Hash of the pending transaction (excluding witnesses)
    } deriving (Generic)

For all the examples (weeks) till now, the txInfoForge was always 0; though for our Minting Policy, this may contain a Value with 1 or more AssetClasses (see chapter Value).

For each AssetClass in txInfoForge, the corresponding script is run (Minting Policy / Monetary Policy).

If we remember from week 3, our Validator script got 3 values to work with: Datum, Redeemer and ScriptContext.

Minting Policies only get the ScriptContext.

Datum and Redeemer would both not make sense; the Datum belongs to a UTxO, and the Redeemer to input, but the Forging (txInfoForge) belongs to the transaction, not to a specific Input or Output.

Free ! (Minting Policy example)

Open the file Free.hs in plutus-pioneer-program/code/week05/src/Week05/Free.hs

Lines 34 - 39

{-# INLINABLE mkPolicy #-}
mkPolicy :: ScriptContext -> Bool
mkPolicy _ = True

policy :: Scripts.MonetaryPolicy
policy = mkMonetaryPolicyScript $$(PlutusTx.compile [|| Scripts.wrapMonetaryPolicy mkPolicy ||])

Here we have defined our most basic MonetaryPolicy there could be. (same as we did when we started learning about Validators)

mkPolicy only receives the ScriptContext (so no Datum or Redeemer), and we just ignore the ScriptContext input (_) and return True! (no validation whatsoever).

Then, same as for our Validator's we'll compile it into Plutus Core by using mkMonetaryPolicyScript and inlining our mkPolicy.

Note: this should all feel quite familiar. If not? Check out week 02 which is all about the Validator`.

Now we'll create our CurrencySymbol (Lines 41 - 42)

curSymbol :: CurrencySymbol
curSymbol = scriptCurrencySymbol policy

Great, we're all done with the on-chain part.

For the off-chain part, we want to be able to Mint and/or Burn tokens of this CurrencySymbol.

For doing so, we still need our TokenName, and a amount (Integer) to either mint or burn. (Value consists of those three values)

Lines 44 - 51

data MintParams = MintParams
    { mpTokenName :: !TokenName
    , mpAmount    :: !Integer
    } deriving (Generic, ToJSON, FromJSON, ToSchema)

type FreeSchema =
        .\/ Endpoint "mint" MintParams

We'll create a new Endpoint with both our missing arguments (TokenName / Amount)

If the Amount is a positive Integer, we would be Minting Tokens, if it's negative we would be Burning them.

Time to write the contract itself.

Lines 53 - 60

mint :: MintParams -> Contract w FreeSchema Text ()
mint mp = do
    let val     = Value.singleton curSymbol (mpTokenName mp) (mpAmount mp)
        lookups = Constraints.monetaryPolicy policy
        tx      = Constraints.mustForgeValue val
    ledgerTx <- submitTxConstraintsWith @Void lookups tx
    void $ awaitTxConfirmed $ txId ledgerTx
    Contract.logInfo @String $ printf "forged %s" (show val)

Lets go through it.

First our Contract return type arguments:

Secondly, our val which is our Value (created with Value.singleton) with our CurrencySymbol (curSymbol) and both the TokenName and the Amount specified through the endpoint "mint".

Now in order to create a Transaction (tx in our script), instead of creating this transaction ourselves, which would be very tedious, as it would require us to compute the fees, and a whole lot of other things.

Another (better/easier) approach was taken.

We define constraints. In other words, we define conditions which this transaction must fulfill, and let the library do all the tedious work for us.

All of these constraints-creation functions, start with "must" e.g. mustForgeValue, mustPayToPublicKey etc.

tx is Constraints.mustForgeValue (our val), which will give us a transaction that we can now send to the chain via submitTxConstraintsWith.

Important to note: submitTxConstraintsWith may fail. For example if we don't have enough funds.

submitTxConstraintsWith also uses the lookups variable, it is there to include additional information to (hopefully) validate our Constraints.

In this case, lookups contains our MonetaryPolicy (the one that always returns True for now).

We need to do this, because our create Value (val), only contains the Hash of our Policy script, but in order to validate this transaction, we need the Script itself (not just the hash), so that we can execute it.

Other possible lookups: UTxOs, validation scripts

Last but not least the awaitTxConfirmed function, waits for our transaction (LedgerTx) to confirm.

Note: if this transaction fails to validate, for now this line blocks forever. This will change in the near-future though, as the Plutus team will provide more handling here (e.g. detect if this has failed or not)

At the end of this script we'll just log how many of the Token we have forged.

Lines 62 - 69 contains some more boilerplate code mostly for the playground (which you, if you followed along with weeks 1-4, should be familiar with)

endpoints :: Contract () FreeSchema Text ()
endpoints = mint' >> endpoints
    mint' = endpoint @"mint" >>= mint

mkSchemaDefinitions ''FreeSchema

mkKnownCurrencies []


For testing our simple contract, we could do two things, either run it in the playground, or write custom tests which we can run in our terminal.


Copy the lines 1 - 69 of Free.hs into the Playground and compile them.

Now setup 2 wallet with both 1000 lovelaces.

Wallets (Free.hs)

And a few actions to test:

Actions (Free.hs)

Now if we evaluate this.

Everyone of these transactions will cost a fixed total of 10 lovelaces, although this will change in the near-future to a calculated amount of lovelaces.

Final Balances Playground


Lines 71 - 89 of Free.hs

test :: IO ()
test = runEmulatorTraceIO $ do
    let tn = "ABC"
    h1 <- activateContractWallet (Wallet 1) endpoints
    h2 <- activateContractWallet (Wallet 2) endpoints
    callEndpoint @"mint" h1 $ MintParams
        { mpTokenName = tn
        , mpAmount    = 555
    callEndpoint @"mint" h2 $ MintParams
        { mpTokenName = tn
        , mpAmount    = 444
    void $ Emulator.waitNSlots 1
    callEndpoint @"mint" h1 $ MintParams
        { mpTokenName = tn
        , mpAmount    = -222
    void $ Emulator.waitNSlots 1

Of course here we do exactly the same, only without the use of the playground.

For more information about the EmulatorTrace and testing, check out week04.

Realistic example (Signed)

For a more realistic example, we will use the Free.hs script as a starting point, only this time we will restrict minting and burning by transactions signed by a specified public key hash. (kind of like a central bank)

Open the file Signed.hs in plutus-pioneer-program/code/week05/src/Week05/Signed.hs

Lines 35 - 37

{-# INLINABLE mkPolicy #-}
mkPolicy :: PubKeyHash -> ScriptContext -> Bool
mkPolicy pkh ctx = txSignedBy (scriptContextTxInfo ctx) pkh

The policy now has the extra parameter PubKeyHash, which we need to check if this transaction was signed by.

ScriptContextTxInfo in our ScriptContext (ctx) contains all the signatories of the transaction; by using txSignedBy we can check if our PubKeyHash is in this list.

txSignedBy takes the TxInfo and a PubKeyHash and returns a boolean.

txSignedBy :: TxInfo -> PubKeyHash -> Bool

Lines 39 - 46

policy :: PubKeyHash -> Scripts.MonetaryPolicy
policy pkh = mkMonetaryPolicyScript $
    $$(PlutusTx.compile [|| Scripts.wrapMonetaryPolicy . mkPolicy ||])
    PlutusTx.liftCode pkh

curSymbol :: PubKeyHash -> CurrencySymbol
curSymbol = scriptCurrencySymbol . policy

Here we are just parameterizing our PubKeyHash (for more information check out week 3 chapter Parameterized)

Lines 57 - 65

mint :: MintParams -> Contract w SignedSchema Text ()
mint mp = do
    pkh <- pubKeyHash <$> Contract.ownPubKey
    let val     = Value.singleton (curSymbol pkh) (mpTokenName mp) (mpAmount mp)
        lookups = Constraints.monetaryPolicy $ policy pkh
        tx      = Constraints.mustForgeValue val
    ledgerTx <- submitTxConstraintsWith @Void lookups tx
    void $ awaitTxConfirmed $ txId ledgerTx
    Contract.logInfo @String $ printf "forged %s" (show val)

to get the pubKeyHash of our contract, we'll use the pubKeyHash function together with our Contract.ownPubKey.

Using the <$> operator, which is just a synonym for fmap. Source

If we now run this script (Signed.hs) in either the Playground or by using our EmulatorTrace tests, we can see that for wallet 1 and wallet 2, there are 2 different tokens.

Final balances
Wallet 1:
    {, ""}: 99999980
    {7183b1cf81e44b26c558ddf442c4a7161a1b504b61136a8773dc2e4960323521, "ABC"}: 333
Wallet 2:
    {2a964fa6314803cf1b61165aeb1d758e355aae9480a29e282b58e76983f101ba, "ABC"}: 444
    {, ""}: 99999990

The lovelaces went down by 10 because of the fees.

Wallet 1 has 333 of the ABC Token, but even though it has the same TokenName, the CurrencySymbol is totally different. (because now it is based on our PublicKeyHash).

Same for wallet 2 only with an amount of 444.

Simply put.

Only wallet 1 can ever Mint or Burn the ABC Token with CurrencySymbol "7183b1cf81e44b26c558ddf442c4a7161a1b504b61136a8773dc2e4960323521".

And only wallet 2 can ever Mint or Burn them with CurrencySymbol "2a964fa6314803cf1b61165aeb1d758e355aae9480a29e282b58e76983f101ba".

NFT (Non-fungible Token)

The infamous NFT: Tokens that can exist only ONCE. There is only one of each in existence.

Option 1

With our current knowledge we could, in the Policy look at the Forge Field (txInfoForge), and add a condition that only one token is forged.

But that won't do us any good, because that would mean during one transaction we could only mint one token. It wouldn't stop us from doing multiple transactions though.

Option 2

Another option, one that is already used right now on the Cardano Blockchain (since Mary) to create NFT's, is by setting a deadline; after which nobody is allowed to mint or burn any more tokens.

We could then mint 1, wait until the deadline has passed, and there you go. An NFT.

The problem with this is, to check if an NFT is really an NFT, we'd have to check the blockchain (with a blockchain explorer), which is not that easy...

Plutus power (Is it a bird... Is it a plane?.. NO. It's Plutus.) 😂

Using Plutus though we can create REAL NFTs.

If you know the policy script that corresponds to the currency symbol; you can be sure, that only one such token can be in existence. (without having to use something like a blockchain explorer)

To not have the same problem that we had in option 1 (doing multiple transactions for minting that would all validate), we have to have some unique value, that can never be used again, thus never allowing minting of this token again.

For this we can use the UTxO. Which is ALWAYS unique.

By only allowing one UTxO to mint, we will have a true NFT.

UTxO -> Output of a transaction; Transaction ID + Index of the output of the transaction.

Because transactions are unique as well, so is our UTxO.

Now why are transactions unique?

Interestingly they wouldn't be, if it wasn't for fees.

Without them, we could have a transaction with 0 inputs, and only outputs without value.

Such a transaction could exist several times; but because of the fees, we always need an input to provide the funds to pay the fees for the transaction.

And as soon as we have an input, that input must come from somewhere, it must come from a previous UTxO; thus, as soon as we have fees, we can never have the same UTxO more than once.

Plutus NFT Script

Open the file NFT.hs in plutus-pioneer-program/code/week05/src/Week05/NFT.hs

Lines 34 - 48

{-# INLINABLE mkPolicy #-}
mkPolicy :: TxOutRef -> TokenName -> ScriptContext -> Bool
mkPolicy oref tn ctx = traceIfFalse "UTxO not consumed"   hasUTxO           &&
                        traceIfFalse "wrong amount minted" checkMintedAmount
    info :: TxInfo
    info = scriptContextTxInfo ctx

    hasUTxO :: Bool
    hasUTxO = any (\i -> txInInfoOutRef i == oref) $ txInfoInputs info

    checkMintedAmount :: Bool
    checkMintedAmount = case flattenValue (txInfoForge info) of
        [(cs, tn', amt)] -> cs  == ownCurrencySymbol ctx && tn' == tn && amt == 1
        _                -> False

We will be parameterizing both TxOutRef and TokenName to be used in our policy.

TxOutRef is a value in TxInfo from our ScriptContext:

type TxInfo :: *
data TxInfo
    = TxInfo {txInfoInputs :: [TxInInfo],

TxInInfo in txInfoInputs is defined as:

type TxInInfo :: *
data TxInInfo
    = TxInInfo {txInInfoOutRef :: TxOutRef, txInInfoResolved :: TxOut}

There is our TxOutRef, which in other words is an identifier for our UTxO, which is exactly what we need.

Our defined hasUTxO function, checks if the TxOutRef provided as parameter to the policy, is in our txInfoInputs, by using the any function. If not, throw an error with traceIfFalse.

any :: Foldable t => (a -> Bool) -> t a -> Bool

Lars gives us an example how any could be used (which is pretty self explanatory):

any even [2 :: Int, 3, 5, 7]

any even [1 :: Int, 3, 5, 7]

Now with the checkMintedAmount function, we will limit the amount of possible minted tokens to 1. Guaranteeing an NFT. (also with traceIfFalse for error handling)

We'll use flattenValue to receive a flattened list of triples for all values in the txInfoForge variable, (Chapter Combining Value's), which we'll compare to our custom list containing (CurrencySymbol, TokenName, Amount), in this case (cs, tn, 1) (the amount 1 is the important thing here, which is going to prevent anyone of minting more than one of this token).

We do have one Chicken-egg-problem here: our CurrencySymbol.

This hash is computed from the policy script, but in order to run this script, we first need the CurrencySymbol...

For this we have the function ownCurrencySymbol, with this we get access to the CurrencySymbol during execution of our Policy Script.

We just need to feed it our ScriptContext, and it'll give us the correct CurrencySymbol.

Lines 50 - 59

policy :: TxOutRef -> TokenName -> Scripts.MonetaryPolicy
policy oref tn = mkMonetaryPolicyScript $
    $$(PlutusTx.compile [|| \oref' tn' -> Scripts.wrapMonetaryPolicy $ mkPolicy oref' tn' ||])
    PlutusTx.liftCode oref
    PlutusTx.liftCode tn

curSymbol :: TxOutRef -> TokenName -> CurrencySymbol
curSymbol oref tn = scriptCurrencySymbol $ policy oref tn

Here we just parameterize both our oref and tn (TxOutRef / TokenName).

We're done with the on-chain part.

For the off-chain part we need the Contract / Endpoints:

Lines 61 - 63

type NFTSchema =
        .\/ Endpoint "mint" TokenName

For the endpoints we now only need the TokenName.

Lines 65 - 77

mint :: TokenName -> Contract w NFTSchema Text ()
mint tn = do
    pk    <- Contract.ownPubKey
    utxos <- utxoAt (pubKeyAddress pk)
    case Map.keys utxos of
        []       -> Contract.logError @String "no utxo found"
        oref : _ -> do
            let val     = Value.singleton (curSymbol oref tn) tn 1
                lookups = Constraints.monetaryPolicy (policy oref tn) <> Constraints.unspentOutputs utxos
                tx      = Constraints.mustForgeValue val <> Constraints.mustSpendPubKeyOutput oref
            ledgerTx <- submitTxConstraintsWith @Void lookups tx
            void $ awaitTxConfirmed $ txId ledgerTx
            Contract.logInfo @String $ printf "forged %s" (show val)

Because a wallet can only spent it's own UTxOs, the UTxO used for our NFT restrictions, must be done via a UTxO at our own address.

This can be done with utxoAt defined as (in Plutus.Contract):

Address -> Contract w s e Ledger.AddressMap.UtxoMap

Basically when calling this with an address, we'd get a UtxoMap back, which contains all the UTxOs at this address.

For our purpose (since all UTxOs are unique), it doesn't matter which one we pick; anyone is fine.

Now whats an 'address', we don't really need that now. All we need to now is we can call the function pubKeyAddress which will turn a Public Key into an Address; which is exactly what we need.

pk <- Contract.ownPubKey will contain our public key, which we will then turn into an address using the pubKeyAddress, running it through the utxoAt function, to get a UtxoMap with all our UTxOs; since we don't need all the values it provides, but only the UTxO keys, we'll use the Maps.keys function to only get the UTxO Keys.

We'll start a case, where if the UtxoMap is empty, just return an error

[] -> Contract.logError @String "no utxo found"

Now if we look back at our constraints-creation functions; they all start with "must" e.g. mustForgeValue, mustPayToPublicKey etc.

We already used mustForgeValue, now we need the mustSpendPubKeyOutput constraint, defined as:

mustSpendPubKeyOutput :: TxOutRef -> TxConstraints i o

It takes an TxOutRef and returns a constraint. Awesome. Exactly what we need.

Since we already have the mustForgeValue constraint, the question is: "how do we combine constraints?".

Constraints are of type Semigroup, which lets us combine multiple Semigroups by using the <> operator.

tx = Constraints.mustForgeValue val <> Constraints.mustSpendPubKeyOutput


Lines 88 - 95

test :: IO ()
test = runEmulatorTraceIO $ do
    let tn = "ABC"
    h1 <- activateContractWallet (Wallet 1) endpoints
    h2 <- activateContractWallet (Wallet 2) endpoints
    callEndpoint @"mint" h1 tn
    callEndpoint @"mint" h2 tn
    void $ Emulator.waitNSlots 1

These are just simplified, we just removed.. well.. almost everything. Fixed value for our TokenName and no way to specify the amount.

If we now run our test (which you of course could also run in the Playground), it would return:

Final balances
Wallet 1:
    {9d969e597d45fcd1732ce255e12a97599e883f924b4565fc3a2407bc08d34524, "ABC"}: 1
    {, ""}: 99999990
Wallet 2:
    {913f220c3b1ba49531bae2fedd9edb138a8b360e7e605bfcf4ff3f2045433069, "ABC"}: 1
    {, ""}: 99999990

Real NFTs! Congratulations!


Week05 Done!

Happy Coding! 😊


Condensed version of Lecture #5 of the Plutus Pioneer Program by Lars Brünjes on Youtube

Cloned from Reddit (u/RikAlexander)